BOARD MEETING DATE: February 6, 2009


Approve Work Plan to Implement 'Helping Hand Initiative for 2009' as Proposed by Chairman William A. Burke


At the January 9 Board meeting, Chairman Burke proposed a 'Helping Hand Initiative for 2009,' for the purpose of enhancing supportive interactions with air district permit-holders and residents during the current economic downturn. In subsequent discussion at the meeting, fellow Board Members suggested additional components to include with the initiative. Dr. Burke directed AQMD staff to develop a work plan based on the Board's combined suggestions and present it for approval at the February 9, 2009 Board meeting. This action is to approve the general work plan for the 'Helping Hand Initiative for 2009.


Not Applicable


Approve the general work plan for Chairman Burke's 'Helping Hand Initiative for 2009.'

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer


At the January 9 Board meeting, Chairman Burke referenced current economic conditions and noted that, just as in past recessions, AQMD would work through this difficult period in collaboration with its stakeholders so as to protect both health and jobs. In order to "offer a hand" to stakeholders while continuing on a steady path to clean air, he proposed a four-element framework of constituent support; in subsequent discussion at the meeting, fellow Board Members made suggestions for additional components to be included. Dr. Burke directed AQMD staff to develop a general work plan to be presented at the February 9, 2009 Board meeting for the full Board's consideration.


Based on the framework proposed by Chairman Burke and the supplemental suggestions offered by fellow Board Members at the January 9, 2009 meeting, staff proposes the attached general work plan for the 'Helping Hand Initiative for 2009.' Subsequent to Board approval of the general work plan, staff will return to the Board for specific authorization of the individual elements, consistent with agency policies and procedures.


To the extent possible, existing staff will be utilized to implement this initiative within resources already allocated for FY 2008-09. If additional resource needs are identified, recommendations will be made to augment the current budget or provide funding in the FY 2009-10 Budget, as appropriate for Board consideration.

Attachment (DOC 69k)

Workplan, Chairman's 'Helping Hand Initiative for 2009'

This page updated: June 25, 2015
URL: ftp://lb1/hb/2009/February/090229a.htm