

Internet Reporting System:

This Internet site allows RECLAIM facilities to report and update electronically emissions from large sources, process units and other non-major sources. To submit an emission data file on the internet please follow these simple steps:

ERS Login

- Enter a set of Password and Transmitter ID (Facility ID).
- Click on the “Login” button.

Take an Action.

- Choose either “New Record” or “Modify existing Record”.
- Click the “Submit” button.

Submit a New File.

- Select the “Source Class” and the “Record Type”
- Select “Device ID” and other required fields.
- Enter the “Total Emissions”.
- Click the “Add” button.
- Add more emission records as needed.
- As you add the emission records, your file will be created automatically in the lower half of the screen.
- Click the “Submit” button.
- The server will display your OK message.

Correct a File.

- Select the “Emission Record” that you want to correct.
- Click the “Update” button next to that record.
- Select “Device ID” and other required fields.
- Enter the “Total Emissions”.
- Click “submit” button.
- The server will display your OK message.


- Click the “Delete” button next to that record to remove it, if you’re absolutely SURE.

Q: I get the error message “Log In Incorrect. Please Try Again."
You entered an incorrect set of Password and Transmitter ID.

Remember that usually the RECLAIM facility ID is the same as the Transmitter ID and there is only one password associated with any facility.

If you cannot remember your password, chances are good that the most recent file that you have transmitted to the SCAQMD has your latest password/transmitter ID values. Check the record “1A” in the file, it contains your 6-digit transmitter ID followed by your 4-digit password. Otherwise, RECLAIM facility representatives can email their request for a password from ghaddad@aqmd.gov .