BOARD MEETING DATE: September 10, 2010


Stationary Source Committee


The Stationary Source Committee met Friday, July 23, 2010. Following is a summary of that meeting. The next meeting will be September 24, at 10:30 a.m., in Conference Room CC8.


Receive and file.

Dennis Yates, Chair,
Stationary Source Committee


The meeting began at 10:30 a.m. Present were Dennis Yates, Bill Campbell (attended by Videoconference), Jane Carney (attended by Teleconference), Josie Gonzales, Judith Mitchell and Ronald Loveridge (joined the meeting at 10:35).


  1. Rule 1150.1 – Control of Gaseous Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

    Jill Whynot, Director of Strategic Initiatives, gave a briefing on proposed amendments to Rule 1150.1, which has required controls for VOCs from landfills in the District for the last twenty years. She indicated that the rule is being amended to include requirements of a CARB AB32 early action measure which will require methane reductions on landfills throughout California.  The controls are the same, so no additional controls will be necessary for facilities in the District. In addition, the rule amendments will include federal New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) requirements that are already in effect.

    SCAQMD will be responsible for implementation of the state rule.  There are some differences in the requirements, which this rule amendment will reconcile.  Staff is also streamlining recordkeeping and reporting requirements, which will reduce costs and minimize redundant reporting to multiple agencies.

    Ms. Whynot indicated that there has been a request to delay Board consideration pending the November election to see if Proposition 23 passes.  This proposition would suspend past and future AB32 actions (including the landfill measure) until state unemployment reaches 5.5% for 4 consecutive quarters.  The proposed amended rule will include language to revert back to the current rule if this proposition passes.  There are many technical details being worked out before this item will go to the Board in September.  Costs should be less than what landfills would incur if CARB implemented the state rule separately.  These costs include increased recordkeeping, and if needed, revising compliance plans or permits to include alternative compliance options for new requirements.

    Mayor Yates asked how many landfills are in the District. Ms. Whynot indicated that there are ~80, but not all are active.  Landfills continue to have emissions after they close, so they are still covered by Rule 1150.1.  He also inquired about what would happen if the ballot measure passes. Ms. Whynot responded that for SCAQMD, some rule amendments (landfills and refrigerants) would not be necessary.  Many existing CARB measures would be suspended and future measures delayed.  However, many of the elements of the Scoping Plan are programs for other purposes, such as diesel or mobile source reductions, and these efforts could continue. 

    Ms. Carney indicated that she would not participate in agenda #2 due to conflict of interest as U.S. Battery is a source of income for her, at which time she left for the remainder of the meeting. 

  2. Rule 1420.1 – Emissions Standards for Lead from Lead-Acid Battery Recycling Facilities

    Susan Nakamura, Planning & Rules Manager stated that the Proposed Rule 1420.1, which was scheduled for the September 2010 Board Meeting, was going to be delayed by probably one to two months.  Staff had been evaluating more recent monitoring data and conducting modeling and has determined that additional time to analyze the proposal and work with stakeholders to discuss rule changes.  Chairman Yates said that he had recently attended a town hall meeting near Exide where members of the public requested additional monitoring.  Susan Nakamura said that Exide is one of the facilities that the AQMD staff is analyzing.  Chairman Yates asked if the District has notified the community about the delay and Susan Nakamura replied that they have not been told yet. Chairman Yates indicated that staff would need to see how community members feel about the delay and then asked if there were any public comments. During the public comment period, Mr. Mike Buckantz, RSR Corporation, commented that RSR Corporation agrees and is in favor of delaying the rule. Mike Buckantz stated that RSR Corporation would like more opportunities such as public workshops and working group meetings to comment and have input on the development of the rule.  Chairman Yates agreed.  


All written reports were acknowledged by the Committee.


There were no public comments.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. 

Attachments (DOC, 51k)

Attendance Roster

This page updated: June 26, 2015
URL: ftp://lb1/hb/2010/September/100931a.htm