Appropriate Funds from Undesignated Fund Balance to Information Management, Legislative and Public Affairs, Science and Technology Advancement, Engineering and Compliance, and Planning, Rule Development and Area Sources FY 2009-10 Budget for Activities Relating to Permit Moratorium and Prop 1B Program


Activities relating to the lifting of the permit moratorium as well as significant work relating to Proposition 1B required substantial overtime and other functions that were not anticipated in the FY 2009-10 Budget. This action is to appropriate funds totaling $588,550 from the Undesignated Fund Balance to the FY 2009-10 Budgets of Information Management, Legislative and Public Affairs, Science and Technology Advancement, Engineering and Compliance, and Planning, Rule Development and Area Sources.


Administrative, February 12, 2010, Recommended for Approval


Appropriate $588,550 from the Undesignated Fund Balance as follows:

(a) FY 2009-10 Budget, Salaries and Employee Benefits Major Object, Overtime Account, $30,000-Information Management, $50,000-Legislative and Public Affairs, $200,000-Science and Technology Advancement, $200,000-Engineering and Compliance;

(b) FY 2009-10 Budget, Services & Supplies Major Object, Public Notice Account, $108,550-Planning, Rule Development and Area Sources.

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer


Science and Technology Advancement

Science and Technology Advancement staff were required to work overtime to meet the deadlines established for the Prop 1B program.  Over 1,400 applications received from the July solicitation had to be reviewed and evaluated in compressed timeframes for September and November Board approvals.  Also, overtime hours on weekends and Mondays were needed to inspect all of the old trucks to meet multiple criteria and complete the applications by deadline.  After Board approval, the overtime work involved data entry into the State’s database, compiling and preparing pre- and post-inspection reports, assisting applicants with the different contract models approved for the program, contract preparation and processing, and other administrative related tasks, such as tracking the progress of each project.  The inspectors were required to work overtime on weekends and Mondays to complete the inspections required by the State within the required timeframe. Additionally, some overtime was required for the preparation of federal grant applications and related requirements.

The request from Science and Technology Advancement also includes an additional $60,000 proposed to be set aside for future overtime work on Proposition 1B projects.  This set aside is necessary due to the expedited nature of the Proposition 1B projects caused by delays in availability of the bond funds, combined with the requirement of project implementations before certain dates imposed by State regulations.  

Legislative & Public Affairs

Legislative & Public Affairs staff has incurred unanticipated overtime costs during the early part of FY 2009-10. These overtimes cost were as follows: outreach and education for local governments, business interests and others regarding issues relating to SB 696 and 827 (Wright); the development of collaterals, presentations and web communications to support our efforts to lift the permit moratorium; several weekend events and AQMD conferences; and feedback to interested parties regarding the implementation of SB 827. Many of these meetings were held during the weekends, Mondays and after regular work hours. 

Engineering and Compliance and Information Management

Engineering and Compliance staff incurred higher overtime costs in November and December due to increased overtime for permitting staff to process applications affected by the Permit Moratorium, New Source Review (NSR) offset tracking, and completion of RECLAIM Audits. Information Management performed programming work to assist with issuing permits in the compressed timeframe. Additional funds are necessary to continue permitting, compliance, and information management activities for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Planning, Rule Development and Area Sources

The Office of Planning, Rule Development and Area Sources has incurred unanticipated costs associated with CEQA for finalizing the processing of permit applications that were subject to the permit moratorium. Additional funding is necessary to continue CEQA support and other related review or actions, such as any necessary public notice requirements associated with the permit moratorium. 


To provide the resources and flexibility required to carry out the programs described above, this action is to appropriate funds in the amount of $588,550 from the Undesignated Fund Balance to the Information Management, Science and Technology Advancement, Engineering and Compliance, and Planning, Rule Development and Area Sources FY 2009-10 Budgets.

Resource Impacts

Funds are available from the General Fund, Undesignated Fund Balance.

This page updated: June 26, 2015
URL: ftp://lb1/hb/2010/March/100312a.htm