BOARD MEETING DATE: January 8, 2010


Revise Procurement Policy and Procedure 


This action is to revise the AQMD’s Procurement Policy and Procedure to increase the Executive Officer’s Procurement Signature Authority Delegation.


Administrative, November 13, 2009, Recommended for Approval 


Adopt the revised Procurement Policy and Procedure.

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer


The AQMD’s Procurement Policy and Procedure, adopted January 9, 1998 and last amended October 5, 2007, establishes the Executive Officer’s procurement signature authority at $50,000 for budgeted expenditures. This authority level has been unchanged for many years and has been effectively reduced due to inflationary factors. The Administrative Committee discussed options for modifying the current policy at its November 13, 2009 meeting including experience in other jurisdictions. The Committee recommends an increase in the Executive Officer’s procurement signature authority to $75,000, which will reset every fiscal year for each contract.


It is recommended that the AQMD’s Procurement Policy and Procedure, Sections IV, V and VIII be amended to reflect an increase in the Executive Officers procurement signature authority from $50,000 to $75,000 which will reset for each contract, every fiscal year. Adoption of this proposal will further increase procurement efficiency and will align the Executive Officer’s signature authority with some other local agency benchmarks. 

Resource Impacts

No resource impacts anticipated.

Attachments (PDF, 58k)

Revised Procurement Policy and Procedure

This page updated: June 26, 2015
URL: ftp://lb1/hb/2010/January/100118a.htm