BOARD MEETING DATE: September 11, 2009


Stationary Source Committee


The Stationary Source Committee met Friday, July 24, 2009. Following is a summary of that meeting. The next meeting will be September 25, at 10:30 a.m., in Conference Room CC8.


Receive and file

Dennis Yates, Chair
Stationary Source Committee


The meeting began at 10:30 a.m. Present were Dennis Yates, Dr. Joseph Lyou and Josie Gonzales. Absent were Ronald Loveridge, Jane Carney and Michael Cacciotti.


  1. Rule 102 – Definition of Terms
    Naveen Berry, Planning & Rules Manager, presented a status report on Proposed Amended Rule 102 – Definition of Terms. The amendments include expanding the list of VOC-exempt compounds in Group I by adding three new compounds. In response to a comment letter sent to Committee Members regarding delaying one compound, Dr. Lyou raised concern about allowing the use of a compound without long-term chronic exposure data and asked that the staff report include a more comprehensive health analysis in the context of comparing it with the compounds likely to be replaced. Staff explained the health risk analysis conducted and consultation already conducted with OEHHA. Mr. Bill LaMarr requested revisiting the definition of Small Business for future amendments.
  2. Rule 1145 – Plastic, Rubber, and Glass Coatings
    Andrew Lee, Program Supervisor, gave a presentation on the proposed amendments to Rule 1145. The amendments include adding a new coating category and definition, as well as updating some VOC limits and other clarifications. There was discussion by the public, AQMD staff and Committee Members on whether UV coatings are capable of meeting the affected company’s performance specifications for refrigerated glass doors.  There is some dispute on whether two prior UV coatings tests passed or failed adhesion and opaqueness needs of the company.  Mayor Yates concluded that one final test will be conducted, between Allied Photochemical and Anthony International, to determine whether UV coatings can meet the performance requirements of the affected company.
  3. Rule 317 – Clean Air Act Non-Attainment Fees
    Dr. Elaine Chang, Deputy Executive Officer, gave the staff presentation regarding on-going actions on Proposed Rule 317- Clean Air Act Non-Attainment Fees. Staff overviewed a proposal developed by industrial stakeholders and a proposal suggested by Dr. Lyou. Staff is also finalizing a letter to U.S. EPA at the Board’s direction. The Rule has been continued to the September Board meeting.

    Several stakeholders commented. Mr. Bill LaMarr requested an opportunity to review the staff letter to U.S. EPA. Mr. Curt Coleman discussed industry’s proposal and stated that their order of priority was BACT exemptions, a change in federal law, and lastly, a fair-share approach to assess fees. Ms. Sharon Rubalcava spoke on behalf of a company that would be permitted subsequent to the attainment date that would be constructed with BACT and had purchased offsets. Ms. Rubalcava stated her position for a BACT exemption. Mr. Greg Adams suggested that the Board wait on any action for Rule 317 until U.S. EPA finalizes their review of the San Joaquin Valley rule and provides further guidance on Rule 317 fees and equivalency. Mayor Yates wondered whether a Rule 317 baseline could be constructed that would allow sources to receive consideration for BACT.
  4. Update of South Coast Refinery Emission Trends
    This item was continued.


All written reports were acknowledged by the Committee.


There were no public comments.

Mayor Yates announced that the next Stationary Source Committee meeting will be on September 25, 2009.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

Attachments (DOC, 55k)

Attendance Roster

This page updated: June 25, 2015
URL: ftp://lb1/hb/2009/September/090924a.htm