BOARD MEETING DATE: October 2, 2009


Proposed AQMD Green Policy


Staff has developed a Green Policy for the Board's consideration. Implementation of the policy will complement the existing Climate Change Policy and assure consistent implementation of sustainable practices.


Climate Change Committee, September 11, 2009, Reviewed


Approve the attached Green Policy.

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer


The District has a long standing tradition of good environmental stewardship and has implemented many “green” practices throughout its buildings and fleets. Our headquarters building is an excellent example of how a structure can be designed and maintained to reduce environmental impacts. The building was constructed in 1991 and incorporated a number of design features to take advantage of natural light, reduce energy and water use, and employ low polluting materials, such as low-VOC coatings. Energy needs are partially met by microturbines and installed solar panels.

Maintenance contracts for printing, carpeting, and cleaning require use of low-polluting products to minimize criteria and toxic pollution. Water leaks are repaired very quickly and drought-tolerant landscaping is employed. There is also a strong recycling program in place for paper, plastic, and glass.

The District’s fleet is very clean. Eighty-five percent of our field staff drive compressed natural gas (CNG) automobiles. The fleet also includes hybrids, hydrogen, electric, and LPG vehicles.

The District also implements a successful rideshare program for our employees. Average vehicle ridership was 1.7 for the years 2008 and 2009, which exceeds the average target of 1.5.

Adoption of a Green Policy will complement the Board approved Climate Change Policy Item #8, which states in part

“ Reducing SCAQMD Climate Change Impacts - Bring recommendations to the Board on how the agency can reduce its own carbon footprint from operation of its buildings, purchases and employee work-related activities, including drafting a Green Building Policy with recommendations regarding SCAQMD purchases, building maintenance, and other areas of products and services…”

In addition, the Green Policy will formalize some of the practices used at the District and continue our tradition of using low emitting, low energy products and services for our operations.


The attached draft policy includes the following key categories: purpose and objectives, implementation and major topic subjects, such as our buildings, fleets, and travel. The policy is intended to be a general framework and includes many options that will be explored. It will serve as a general guidance for continuing efforts to reduce the environmental impacts of the District’s operations. The purpose of the policy is to institutionalize procedures that will minimize direct and indirect environmental impacts of our operations; and, the objectives are to strengthen our existing programs and continue to make progress in a number of areas.

Periodic reports will be made to the Climate Change Committee, and an annual report will be given to the Governing Board including, but not limited to, program implementation, SCAQMD annual carbon footprint, as well as per employee carbon index.

There are many opportunities that can be evaluated to further implement practices that will contribute towards energy independence and efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction, and other positive environmental benefits.

Resource Impacts

Existing staff resources are sufficient to implement the Green Policy. Staff may use student interns to assist in evaluations of AQMD programs. If additional resources are needed to implement GHG reduction measures, they will be brought before the Board for approval.

Attachment (DOC, 68k)

SCAQMD Draft Green Policy

This page updated: June 25, 2015
URL: ftp://lb1/hb/2009/October/091041a.htm