Report on Coordination Efforts Between AQMD and Five Local Clean Cities Coalitions


At the request of the Board, staff has regularly reported on activities regarding coordination efforts between the AQMD and the five local Clean Cities Coalitions over the past several years. This report is to update the Board on activities since the last report and to discuss the current coordination efforts.


Technology, May 22, 2009. Less than a quorum was present for the discussion of this item. The Chair communicated their concurrence and recommendation that this item be forwarded for Board consideration with no approval or disapproval recommendation from the Committee.


Receive and file.

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer


The AQMD staff has been supporting the Clean Cities program (CCP) and the local coalitions for the past several years and has been reporting annually to the Governing Board on the efforts of the local coalitions. In 2007, the Board directed staff to continue to provide support to the local Clean Cities Coalitions (CCC), continue sponsorship of the national conference, and continue support of the program through technical, financial and in-kind assistance.

During the past year, a series of leveraging and assistance opportunities were developed. To ensure that the goals are met, each of the Clean Cities Coalitions designates a coordinator whose primary responsibility is to provide outreach and coordination on the Clean Cities Program. The Coachella Valley Coalition had a vacant coordinator position, which was filled during the last year. The Coachella Valley Coalition now has two co-coordinators Mr. Dick Cromwell and Ms. Suzanne Seivright.

Additionally, the AQMD has helped the coalitions to leverage funding by sharing costs, sharing booth spaces at conferences and obtaining booth spaces for the CCC at events where AQMD was a host or sponsor.

The Coalitions were provided with booths at the AQMD Clean Alternative Fuel Vehicle Expo at the Ontario Convention Center in October 2008 and at the Faster Freight Cleaner Air Conference held in February of this year. AQMD has provided funding and sponsorship of the SCAG Advancing the Choice Conference & Expo held in April 2008. The Headquarters building has played host to the Western Regional Clean Cities Coordinator Conference, a three-day event held on June 24 - 26, 2008. AQMD staff has provided information for the annual alternative fuel vehicle reports which the coalitions are required to submit to receive DOE annual funding. The following table provides a summary of recent activities and AQMD sponsorship.

Clean Cities Events Funded by the AQMD

Coalition Project Title Date AQMD Funding
Western Riverside Council of Governments Cosponsor the 10th Annual WRCCC's Advancing the Choice Event 2/20/2009 $2,500
Western Riverside Council of Governments Cosponsor the 9th Adv the Choice Event 1/31/2008 $2,500
The Partnership Adv the Tech Choices for HD Vehicles 4/18/2008
AFVi Clean Cities National Conf, Las Vegas, NV 5/11-14/08
The Partnership Clean Cities Peer Exchange, AQMD, 6/24-26/08
TOTAL     $27,000

Finally, a continued goal is to identify and pursue additional funding for outreach coordinators. Over the past few years federal support for the Clean Cities Program has waned. The coalitions are interested in finding opportunities to fund outreach coordinators’ salaries. Actively pursuing grants and assistance for non-profit sources was discussed. The Department of Energy (DOE) has increased funding levels available to the CCCs up to $20,000 per year. In the past, the funding level was $10,000 annually.

AQMD Current Coordination Efforts

As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), funding has been made available for alternative fuel Clean Cities’ vehicles, infrastructure, and outreach and education projects through the Clean Cities Program. Approximately, $300 million is available nationwide and the first round of project proposals were due to U.S. DOE on May 29, 2009. The U.S. DOE anticipates a second round of submittals should there be remaining funds after the first round of awards. Prior to the ARRA funding, DOE released the solicitation with $6 million in available funding. The three areas of interest include refueling infrastructure for alternative fuels, incremental cost of dedicated alternative fuel vehicles, education and outreach workshops for petroleum reduction fuels and technologies. AQMD staff prepared packages requesting $2.5 million for the first three areas of interest. Projects included four CNG stations, an LNG station and a taxi/shuttle program. Applications were due March 31, 2009.

Staff is currently working with the local Clean Cities Coalitions to provide resources in preparing project submittals for the ARRA funding. The Clean Cities Coalitions have been receiving multiple requests for partnerships to be able to submit an application for this funding opportunity. The proposed grant awards will range between $5-15 million for alternative fuel and advanced technology vehicles pilot programs.

Meetings were held here at the District Headquarters building and via conference call with the five local coalitions to discuss the best approach to bring the maximum funding possible into our region. It was agreed that, at the coalition’s discretion, AQMD would coordinate and lend staff assistance to prepare the applications. The intent was to have a synergistic approach to support projects across the region and to get the maximum project funding possible for each coalition.

AQMD Future Participation

Staff will continue to work with and support the Clean Cities Coalitions on leverage opportunities, booth, training and outreach assistance. It is anticipated that additional technical assistance will be required as stimulus funding is awarded to ensure that required timelines are met. Staff will report back regarding the funding awards and approved projects.

This page updated: June 25, 2015
URL: ftp://lb1/hb/2009/June/090626a.htm