Issue RFP to Pre-qualify Consultants for Assistance Preparing California Environmental Quality Act Documents and Other CEQA-related Technical Analyses


This Request for Proposals is to pre-qualify expert services for assistance preparing California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents for AQMD rules, regulations, and non-AQMD permit application projects where the AQMD is the lead agency under CEQA, and other topic-specific CEQA-related analyses, such as GHG analysis, mitigation measure development, or protocol development, which may be used to update the AQMD’s CEQA Air Quality Handbook. The consultant would need to have in-depth knowledge of CEQA and expertise in analyzing environmental impacts resulting from various types of projects. The total initial amount available for consulting services is $60,000, which is available in the Planning, Rules and Indirect Sources Fiscal Year 2009-10 Budget. This action is to issue an RFP for CEQA consultant assistance for preparing CEQA documents and other CEQA-related technical analyses.


Mobile Source, May 22, 2009, Recommended for Approval


Approve the release of RFP #P2009-24 to solicit proposals for CEQA documentation support at an initial cost not to exceed $60,000. Any contracts awarded would be valid for a period of up to two years, with an option to extend as necessary, and to add additional funding upon Board or Executive Officer approval.

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer


Pursuant to the state Public Resources Code, CEQA applies to projects undertaken by, funded by, or requiring discretionary approval from public agencies. Consequently, CEQA analyses and documents or notices are required for most AQMD rules, regulations, or plans prior to their adoption or modification by the Governing Board. The AQMD also occasionally assumes the CEQA lead agency role for non-AQMD permit application projects within the jurisdiction of the AQMD, where the AQMD has primary approval authority over the proposed project (e.g., construction of turbines at power plants, refinery modifications, etc.). In addition, the AQMD serves as a Responsible or Commenting Agency and reviews the CEQA documents for land use projects prepared by other public agencies to determine if the air quality analyses are consistent with recommended methodologies, appropriate air quality models are used, and sufficient mitigation measures are identified.

This action is to authorize staff to issue RFP #P2009-24 to pre-qualify services for consultant assistance preparing CEQA documents for AQMD rules, regulations, plans, and non-AQMD permit application projects where the AQMD is the lead agency under CEQA. This action would also pre-qualify services for consultant assistance in the following specialized environmental topic areas: air quality and traffic/transportation analyses. Finally, this action would pre-qualify expert services for other topic-specific CEQA-related analyses, such as GHG analysis, mitigation measure development, or protocol development, which may be used to update the AQMD’s CEQA Air Quality Handbook.


In order to pre-qualify consultant assistance to assist AQMD CEQA staff in preparing CEQA documents, reviewing and preparing air quality and transportation/traffic analyses, and other topic-specific CEQA-related analyses, staff proposes that the Governing Board approve the release of RFP #P2009-24 to solicit proposals to pre-qualify qualified CEQA consultant services at an initial cost not to exceed $60,000. Funding for this RFP is contingent upon Board approval of the FY 2009-10 Budget. Additional funding maybe subsequently made available upon Board or Executive Officer approval.


In accordance with AQMD’s Procurement Policy and Procedure, a public notice advertising the RFP and inviting bids will be published in the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register, the San Bernardino Sun, and Riverside County Press Enterprise newspapers to leverage the most cost-effective method of outreach to the entire South Coast Basin.

Additionally, potential bidders may be notified utilizing AQMD’s own electronic listing of certified minority vendors. Potential bidders will also be notified from the AQMD’s e-mail list of CEQA consultants. Notice of the RFP will be mailed to the Black and Latino Legislative Caucuses and various minority chambers of commerce and business associations, the State of California Contracts Register website, and placed on the Internet at AQMD’s website ( where it can be viewed by making menu selections “Inside AQMD”/“Employment and Business Opportunities”/“Business Opportunities” or by going directly to Information is also available on AQMD’s bidder’s 24-hour telephone message line (909) 396-2724.

Bid Evaluation

Proposals received will be evaluated by a diverse panel of technically qualified individuals according to the criteria described in the attached RFP.

Fiscal Impacts

Funds for this proposal in an amount not to exceed $60,000 would be available in the Planning, Rules and Area Sources FY 2009-10 Budget, Professional and Special Services Major Object. Funding for this RFP is contingent upon Board approval of the FY 2009-10 Budget.

Attachment (DOC, 922k)

RFP #P2009-24

This page updated: June 25, 2015
URL: ftp://lb1/hb/2009/June/090619a.htm