Authorize Use of AQMD Logo on American Lung Association Outreach Material Pursuant to AQMD/BP ARCO Settlement Agreement


The March 2005 settlement agreement commits $3 million per year for ten years, for a total commitment of $30 million, to fund community benefit programs selected by a joint AQMD/BP ARCO Public Benefits Oversight Committee. The American Lung Association was awarded $364,605 to provide asthma management and education programs to elementary school children, their parents, and school personnel; and $170,000 to provide a one week asthma camp for children residing within the AQMD boundaries. The award agreements call for the identification of BP and AQMD as sponsors or support organizations on all outreach or promotional material, presentations, advertising, and training or educational materials funded under the agreement. This action is to authorize the placement of the AQMD logo on this material.


Administrative, March 13, 2009. Less than a quorum was present during the discussion of this item; the members present communicated their concurrence and recommended that this item be forwarded for Board consideration.


Approve the use of AQMD logo on material produced by the American Lung Association under the BP/AQMD Public Benefits Oversight Committee funded projects.

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer


The March 2005 Settlement Agreement with BP ARCO specified $30 million dollars over ten years, at funding intervals of $3 million per year, for public benefit programs to address conditions caused or exacerbated by the health effects of air pollution, or to prevent or reduce air pollution. The Agreement specifies that the program beneficiaries for the first three years of funding will be community health clinics, asthma vans provided by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of Southern California, or similar services. The programs to be funded are selected by a joint AQMD/BP ARCO Public Benefits Oversight Committee.

The American Lung Association was awarded $364,605 to provide asthma management and education programs to elementary school children, their parents, and school personnel; and $170,000 to provide a one week asthma camp for children residing within the AQMD boundaries. The award agreements call for the identification of BP and AQMD as sponsors or support organizations on all outreach or promotional material, presentations, advertising, and training or educational materials funded under the agreement. This action is to authorize the placement of the AQMD logo on this material. The BP logo will also be placed on the material.

The materials will include:

  • Brochures
  • Flyers
  • Power point presentations
  • Folders
  • T-shirts
  • Posters
  • Backpacks


Staff seeks the Board’s approval to use the AQMD logo on the material produced by the American Lung Association for use in the projects funded by the Public Benefits Oversight Committee.

Resource Impacts


This page updated: June 25, 2015
URL: ftp://lb1/hb/2009/April/090412a.htm