Authorize Purchase of Off-site Storage and Destruction Services


The AQMD maintains over 4,000 cubic feet of paper records in off-site storage. The AQMD also performs nightly tape backup onto magnetic tape for the various minicomputers and file servers under Information Management’s control. Record retention and best effort in vital protection require off-site storage of these paper records and computer tapes in case of fire, earthquake or any other natural disaster. The AQMD’s Records Retention Policy also requires the destruction of all records and information that have reached the limit of their retention period. This action is to obtain approval for the purchase of destruction services for paper records and microfiche, and off-site storage services for paper records and nightly back-up tapes for one year. Funds for this purchase ($88,100) are included in the FY 2007-08 Budget.


Administrative, June 8, 2007, Recommended for Approval


Authorize the Chairman to execute contracts to purchase off-site storage and destruction services from Iron Mountain Incorporated at a cost not to exceed $88,100 which is allocated in the FY 2007-08 Budget.

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer


Record retention and best effort in vital protection require off-site storage of AQMD paper and electronic records in case of fire, earthquake or any other natural disaster that may occur. The AQMD currently contracts with Iron Mountain Incorporated for off-site storage and destruction services.

AQMD off-site storage inventory of paper records has been decreasing since the adoption of an updated Records Retention Plan and Schedule in May 2005. AQMD’s Record Retention Policy and Schedule requires records and information be disposed of in accordance with the retention periods specified in the Records Retention Schedule. Documents with long-term retention periods are required to be stored electronically and the associated paper copy is to be disposed of, thereby reducing future off-site storage needs. The updated plan and schedule includes specific retention periods for some documents that previously required long-term off-site storage. These documents are being removed from the off-site storage inventory and disposed of in a secure manner. As of April 2007, over 3,400 cubic feet of documents have been removed from off-site storage and further reduction is planned by the end of FY 2007-08. The Record Retention Policy and Schedule will ensure that offsite storage inventory will reduce incrementally as documents reach their retention period.

The AQMD performs nightly tape backup onto magnetic tape for various mini-computers and file servers under Information Management’s control. The AQMD does not have a secure in-house storage service and does not have facilities that meet the environmental standards for storage. Therefore, these materials are moved to an off-site storage facility for disaster recovery purposes to ensure their security. The AQMD currently maintains a constant 129 storage containers and 1,200 vault history units of magnetic tape storage off-site with Iron Mountain Incorporated.

Iron Mountain currently maintains all AQMD records stored off-site. It would be very costly (over $50,000) to move the existing off-site storage inventory of paper records and magnetic tapes from Iron Mountain to an alternative storage facility. In addition, most of the destruction of records currently in off-site storage can be done off-site by the vendor with reduced costs since the records do not have to be transported to the AQMD.

Sole Source Justification

Section VIII.B.2 of the Procurement Policy and Procedure identifies circumstances under which a sole source purchase award may be justified. These requests for a sole-source award are made under provision VIII.B.2.C.(1) and (3). Iron Mountain Incorporated possesses unique experience and capabilities, and these services are available only from the sole source.


Iron Mountain Incorporated provides a secure environment for the AQMD’s nightly computer backup tapes, application folders, microfiche, and paper files; as well as the cataloging and transportation of these materials from the AQMD to the facility every weeknight. They also provide emergency delivery services when paper files and tapes need to be returned quickly. Iron Mountain is the current provider of off-site storage and destruction services to the AQMD. The current Iron Mountain off-site storage and destruction services contract expires June 30, 2007.

Staff has determined that Iron Mountain’s off-site storage and destruction services, facilities, and pricing best suit the needs and requirements of the AQMD. Staff recommends the purchase of one year of off-site storage and destruction services from Iron Mountain Incorporated.

Resource Impacts

Sufficient funds are included in the FY 2007-08 Budget, under Information Management Professional and Special Services ($88,100). Staff expects a decrease of this expenditure in the future as the recently adopted Records Retention Schedule and Policy is implemented.

This page updated: June 26, 2015
URL: ftp://lb1/hb/2007/July/070710a.html