BOARD MEETING DATE: December 6, 2002 AGENDA NO. 34
Approve Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations Regarding Operations of Board Advisory Groups
In May 2001, the Boards Administrative Committee initiated a Blue Ribbon Panel to review the operation of six Board Advisory Groups and the Advisory Council and make appropriate recommendations to enhance their effectiveness. The Panel has held four meetings and formulated specific recommendations for the Advisory Council and the following Advisory Groups: AQMP; Ethnic Community; Home Rule; Local Government & Small Business Assistance; Scientific, Technical & Modeling Peer Review; and Technology Advancement. These recommendations address areas of general enhancement, specific charter adjustments, reporting to Board Committees, membership, and annual review of goals and objectives.
Administrative Committee, November 8, 2002, Recommended for Approval
Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer
On January 10, 1997, the Board adopted Resolution 97-1 which established six Advisory Groups, established the Charter for each, specified membership of the Advisory Council, and established the duties and activities of the Advisory Council. These bodies were formed to provide advice and recommendations to Board Committees and the Governing Board on specific policy areas of expertise. On June 13, 1997 the Board amended the provisions relating to compensation of Advisory Group members through Resolution 97-18. On November 13, 1998 the Board adopted Resolution 98-1 assigning standing Board Committees and clarifying the process to be followed to convey Advisory Group recommendations to the Board. These groups were all seeded with Governing Board members to provide policy directions and feedback and included members from industry, communities, local government, environmental groups, small businesses, and ARB and EPA, as appropriate.
On May 18, 2001 the Administrative Committee members initiated a Blue Ribbon Panel to review and make recommendations regarding the mechanics and operations of the Advisory Council and the following Advisory Groups:
Air Quality Management Plan |
Ethnic Community |
Home Rule |
Technology Advancement |
Scientific, Technical & Modeling Peer Review |
Local Government and Small Business Assistance |
The Blue Ribbon Panel was asked to review and provide recommendations on the missions, charters, reporting mechanisms, procedures and operating schedules of these groups. Additionally they were asked to provide recommendations regarding membership, including methods of appointment, reappointment and miscellaneous other related activities and issues that affected these groups functions.
The Blue Ribbon Panel consisted of the Board Chair and members from environmental organizations, regulated businesses, local government, and AQMD staff and was first convened on October 12, 2001. Three subsequent meetings were held to discuss and develop recommendations on how to improve the effectiveness of the Advisory Council and the six Advisory Groups as attached summarized below, and further detailed in the attached Blue Ribbon Panel White Paper.
The advisory groups vary widely in their composition, function, and operating mechanics, while serving to meet the needs of the Board and the Board Committees. Recognizing that some flexibility is necessary to fit the charter and character of each group, the Blue Ribbon Panel developed broad overall directions as well as specific recommendations for each group. The attached recommendations are grouped under Staff Operational Guidelines; Board Actions; Reporting to Committees; Approvals of Group Projects; Appointment of Members; and Annual Review. No attempt was made to conduct any performance audit or review the effectiveness of an operating group at this time.
General recommendations address standard practices for meetings, membership, and staff support. The need for academic and community participation is underscored due to their value to the process. The reporting relationship to Board Committees is reconfirmed, with an additional recommendation for the AQMP Advisory Group to report to the Stationary Source Committee. Following present practices, the Board Chair would appoint/reappoint Advisory Group or Advisory Council members, upon recommendation by the particular group chair, and with consideration for other Board members suggestions.
The Blue Ribbon Panel felt strongly that a formal process needed to be established at an annual interval to review the progress made by each group, set goals and objectives for the next year, and seek confirmation and direction from the Board. A process is therefore recommended to accomplish this objective, working with the staff and the appropriate Board Committees. It was felt that the previous Board direction for an external performance audit at 18-month interval was redundant in view of the time and expenses involved and the recommended self-audit mechanism referenced above. A new resolution to this effect is attached herewith for Board approval. Attachment A reflects a Policy & Guidelines document to clarify remaining administrative procedures for the Advisory Groups. Attachment B includes revised charters for the AQMP and Ethnic Community Advisory Group, consistent with the adjustments recommended.
Finally, the Panel urged all interested parties to seek ways and means to bring a higher level of participation by environmental and community groups. Suggestions were made for further investigation, such as holding off-site meetings or joint meetings with other appropriate organizations.
Attachment A Policy and Guidelines
Attachment B Charters
Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations
Appendix A Advisory Council Mechanics
Appendix B Advisory Group Mechanics
Appendix C Advisory Group Mission Statements
Appendix D Advisory Group Rosters
Appendix E Advisory Group Reporting Process
Appendix F Advisory Group Matrix
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