BOARD MEETING DATE: December 10, 1999 AGENDA NO. 3


Set Public Hearing January 21, 2000 to Consider Amendments and/or Adoption to AQMD Rules and Regulations

Rule 1189 – Emissions from Hydrogen Plant Process Vents: Proposed Rule would reduce VOC emissions from plants that produce hydrogen for refineries. It would establish emission limits to reduce emissions from existing hydrogen plants in two phases, and a more stringent limit for new or reconstructed hydrogen plants.


Stationary Source, November 19, 1999, Reviewed 

The complete text of the proposed amendments, staff reports and other supporting documents will be available no later than December 10, 1999, from the District’s Public Information Center, (909) 396-2550 and on the Internet (


Set a Public Hearing January 14, 2000 to adopt Rule 1189 - Emissions from Hydrogen Plant Process Vents

Barry R. Wallerstein, D.Env.
Executive Officer


Rule 1189 – Emissions from Hydrogen Plant Process Vents 

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