Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review


Below is a summary of key issues addressed at the MSRC’s July 23, 1998 meeting. The next MSRC meeting is Thursday, August 27, 1998, at 1:30 p.m. in AQMD Conference Room CC8.


Receive and file this report.

Nell Soto
AQMD Board Representative on MSRC

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from the June 25, 1998, MSRC meeting was unanimously approved, with minor amendments. The minutes are attached for your information (Attachment 1).

Second Year Funding of FY 1997-99 AB 2766 Discretionary Fund Work Program

As part of the FY 1997-99 Work Program, the MSRC issued RFP #9798-20 in December 1997 for an On-Road & Off-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicle Diesel Pollution Reduction Program and RFP #9798-44 in May 1998 to Obtain a Contractor for an EV Charging Station Directional Signage Implementation Program. Both RFPs closed June 30, 1998. The MSRC considered recommendations for these two RFPs at its July 23, 1998 meeting.

For the On-Road & Off-Road Heavy-Duty Vehicle Diesel Pollution Reduction Program, the MSRC recommends funding 12 proposals totaling $5,935,466. The On-Road & Off-Road projects will reduce approximately 1,155,885 total pounds of NOx at an average $10,400 per ton (or $5.20 per pound) cost-effectiveness. The MSRC unanimously approved funding for these projects.

For the EV Charging Station Directional Signage Implementation RFP #9798-44, the MSRC recommends executing two contracts, one with Safeway Signs in an amount not to exceed $391,518, and one with The Planning Center in an amount not to exceed $63,614. The remaining $44,868 of the $500,000 will be held in reserve for possible program expansion at a later date. Safeway Signs will be the lead for this signage project, and will utilize The Planning Center on an as-needed basis for assistance in seeking permits, approvals and coordinating signage implementation among the private site owners, the cities and the three Caltrans’ Districts. I abstained from voting on this recommendation, which was approved 6 in favor, 1 in opposition.

Approval of Qualifications Package for Toyota RAV4-EV for Participation in the MSRC’s EV "Quick Charge" Buydown Program

In September 1996 we approved the first qualified manufacturer and qualifications package for participation in the MSRC’s EV "Quick Charge" Buydown Program. At that time we authorized the MSRC to approve future qualification packages. The MSRC unanimously approved the qualifications package for the Toyota RAV4-EV as part of the FY 1995-97 AB 2766 Discretionary Fund Work Program. The MSRC’s $5,000 manufacturers’ incentive reduced the three-year lease price from $21,000 to $16,000. The RAV4-EV operates on a conductive charger using a nickel-metal hydride battery and has a range of 125 miles. Although at this time the Toyota RAV4-EV will only be offered for fleet purchases to ensure greater control over maintenance and service, the MSRC is urging Toyota to make it available to the public as soon as possible.

To date the MSRC has approved six vehicles for the $5,000 manufacturers’ buydown: General Motors’ EV-1 and Chevrolet S-10 Electric Pickup; Honda’s EV Plus; the Solectric Force Electric Sedan; the Ford EV Ranger; and the Toyota RAV4-EV. The MSRC anticipates that Chrysler will be submitting its Electric Dodge Van later this year for participation in the buydown program.

Management Audit of Discretionary Program

The MSRC Chair Greg Winterbottom has directed the MSRC’s Technical Advisory Committee to develop options, including the release of an RFP, to conduct a management audit of the discretionary program. This audit would focus on which staff performs what functions and how many hours are expended on various functions to determine if streamlined methods or consolidation of functions can be achieved. The MSRC will consider these options at a future meeting.

Development of MSRC Website

For some time the MSRC has considered development of its own website. Recently, the Technical Advisory Committee conducted research on what would be required for such a website, developed a scope of work, a listing of items to be placed on the proposed
website, and a preliminary cost estimate for its development. It is anticipated that it would cost approximately $20,000 to develop an MSRC website and $5,000 annually to maintain the site. Legal counsel determined this would be a program implementation cost rather than an administrative cost. The site would include information on the program, accomplishments, meeting agendas and minutes, and funding solicitations and would hopefully encourage a greater response to RFPs. The site would also include links to other agencies that have an interest in air pollution and vehicle emissions reductions. The MSRC directed its Technical Advisory Committee to craft an RFP to develop and maintain the website.

Final Report Received and Approved

The MSRC unanimously received and approved one final report for Ecotek, Inc. Contract #C96007, which provided $166,150 for advanced interactive multimedia traveler information kiosks. All final reports are filed in the AQMD’s Library.

Contract Modification Request

The MSRC unanimously approved a request for advance payment minus the standard 10% withhold of the total cost of a City of Los Angeles project, Proposal #19-6, for a Bike Patrols project toward which the MSRC provided $71,455. The advance payment will allow the City to purchase the bicycles in bulk at the onset of the project. The retention of the 10% withhold will ensure all contract deliverables are met.

Contract Administrator Report

The MSRC's AB 2766 Contract Administrator provided a written status report on all fiscal year contracts. This Contract Administrator Report is attached for your information (Attachment 2). This Report includes a spreadsheet on the Local Government Subvention Match Program listing those projects that have met MSRC program requirements to date.


1 -Approved June 25, 1998, MSRC Meeting Minutes

2 - Contract Administrator Report

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