AQMD/California Trucking Association Implementation Study Regarding
Rule 1171 - Solvent Cleaning Operations


On September 13, 1996, the Governing Board amended Rule 1171 - Solvent Cleaning Operations. At that time, the Board also directed staff to conduct an implementation study with the California Trucking Association (CTA) to address their concern regarding aqueous cleaning systems for repair and maintenance of heavy-duty trucks, and report back to the Board no later than July 31, 1997. While the study is well in progress, additional time is required to complete this project. This action is for the Board to direct staff to continue the implementation study with CTA and return back to the Board with further recommendatins no later than December 1997.


Stationary Source, June 27, 1997, Reviewed.


Direct the Executive Officer to continue the Rule 1171 implementation study with the CTA and return to the Board with further recommendations no later than December 31, 1997.

James M. Lents, Ph.D.
Executive Officer


On September 13, 1996, the Governing Board amended AQMD Rule 1171 - Solvent Cleaning Operations, requiring repair and maintenance cleaning operations to use cleaning solvents containing no more than 50 grams of VOC per liter of material, effective January 1, 1999. These low-VOC cleaning solvents are predominantly water-based and are readily available for use.

The California Trucking Association (CTA) expressed concern with regard to the effectiveness of using water-based cleaning solvents in the repair and maintenance of heavy-duty trucks. As a result, the Board found it appropriate to reconfirm the applicability of low-VOC cleaning technology for heavy-duty truck repair and directed AQMD staff to conduct an implementation study with the CTA and report back to the Board no later than July 31, 1997.

Progress Report

Staff has met with the CTA several times to design a test program that will yield meaningful results. Staff has also consulted with equipment vendors and solvent suppliers wishing to participate in this study. A test protocol, along with data sheets, has been developed in close cooperation with the CTA and the cleaning system suppliers. The CTA also conducted a brief survey of its member trucking companies to locate suitable testing sites in Southern California.

The CTA has identified 23 facilities for participation in the program and the AQMD is working with approximately 12 vendors of cleaning equipment and water-based solvents. The test facilities have been set up with water-based cleaning systems in three groups or phases to allow for a two- to three-week interval between the startup of each phase. Water-based cleaning systems were installed in the Phase I and Phase II facilities during May 1997. The installation of equipment for the Phase III facilities is scheduled for completion by June 1997. The equipment will remain in place for six to eight weeks and the study is scheduled to conclude by the end of August 1997 with the data analysis and report preparation requiring another three months.

The study deviated from its initial schedule due to the winter holidays, scheduling problems with participating facilities and vendors, and delays in equipment shipping and delivery. The CTA has been cooperative and the study is proceeding unhindered and should produce meaningful results. Staff, therefore, requests additional time to continue the test work. The CTA concurs with the staff recommendation for an extension to December 1997.

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